 Bana du Bénin
Aide Humanitaire au Bénin

Association régie par la loi 1901-Reconnue d'intérêt Général en mars 2006

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Our action

The aim of our association is to come to the aid of the underprivileged population of this country, one of the poorest on the planet.

We intervene on the level of HEALTH, EDUCATION and SELF-SUFFICIENCY.

The current political stability and the potential for future development, has encouraged us to give the people the means to improve their everyday life.

To us the most intolerable thing is the death of children, from diseases (such as malaria, typhoid, etc...) but also from malnutrition. In Borgou ( the region of Péréré ) where sunshine and water are plentiful, agriculture, the main activity, should be able to ensure that everybody has enough to eat.

enfant avec sa gd-mère

The main causes of malnutrition are due to the traditional eating habits: maize, manioc, millet pastes, sorghum and yam. They satisfy hunger but they do not nourish. There is little meat or fish and often there is only one meal a day. They eat with their hands from a calabash or a dirty plastic plate. At the analysis laboratory, Jonas finds many stool parasites. The coordinators of the “Caritas” association are trying to train the women in basic hygiene.


Livestock farming is the reserve of the nomadic Fula people, who are constantly on the move looking for grazing for their herds. They come to the markets to sell their zebu meat, milk and cheese.
On market day they are always elegant, with traditional jewellery and make-up.

peuhllivraison du lait

Our association has helped the village of Alafiarou (part of Péréré,) to finance a store-room for cereals and to buy a mill to make “garri”' flour from manioc. We give support to a motivated women’s cooperative. In 2009 we financed a maize mill.

moulin à garri
prise de spiruline

The orphans eat spirulina, mixed with a little sweetened water, every day.

collecte du bois

Girls often help their mothers by collecting firewood for cooking, instead of attending school.


                     foyer                        Among our projects, is the manufacture of solar ovens, to avoid deforestation and ensure that girls can go to school              instead of collecting wood.

The cooking-hearths are very energy inefficient: often just three big stones supporting the cooking-pot. The big branches burn slowly, smoking out the whole village!


Our means

To carry out our actions we need funds. Our money comes mainly from membership fees. We also receive substantial private donations to aid our projects. Regularly we organize the sale of Beninese hand-craft items, at “world markets” or following conferences. To increase awareness of our association we give screenings of a video “Bénin d'aujourd'hui”- (Benin today) to the general public and schools. A book, written by Jacqueline GUIBERT, recounts her experiences while she was training a laboratory assistant, and above all, her discovery of the reality of Africa today. It's title is Mon coeur resté à Péréré”( I left my heart in Péréré). Its price is 10€ (do contact us). Other events such as street markets, walks, concerts…. help to raise funds and create social links around shared ideals and projects.

We are very concerned about limiting functioning costs and thanks to the support of small firms, we benefit from free or cheap stationery and services.

The association BANA du Bénin has been recognized as registered charity since March 2006

To keep our members informed of our projects and activities,
we publish, each year, around February-March, a bulletin “la letter de Bana” (Letter from Bana.)

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Bana 1bana2bana3Lettre de Bana N°4Bana 2010
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la Lettre de Bana N° 1
la Lettre de Bana N° 2
la Lettre de Bana N° 3
la Lettre de Bana N° 4
la Lettre de Bana N° 5

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