 Bana du Bénin
Aide Humanitaire au Bénin

Association régie par la loi 1901-Reconnue d'intérêt Général en mars 2006

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Some maps to locate Péréré
Benin, formerly known as Dahomey, is situated on the Gulf of Guinea. It is surrounded by Togo, Burkina-Faso, Niger and Nigeria.carte
carte routardTo discover wild animals, you must go to the north reserve of Great W, which stretches over 3 countries: Burkina, Niger and Bénin.

See Guide du Routard web-site

carteIts political capital is PORTO-NOVO, but COTONOU is the largest city (1.000.000 inhabitants) and has remained the commercial capital.

This small country extends 700 km from the Gulf of Guinea to NIGER. From TOGO in the west to NIGERA in the east, its only 125 Km wide along the coast, and 325 Km wide at  TANGUIETA. With a surface area of 112 622 Km², it has a population of about 7.500.000 inhabitants.

Péréré is situated in the department of BORGOU, in blue on the map, up an 80 Km track north of PARAKOU, which is the largest town in the north (120.000 inhabitants). It is a region where the main  resource is traditional agriculture: no donkeys, no oxen and no farm, machines. In the village they rear pigs, goats and sheep and keep poultry: hens, ducks and guinea-fowl.  Cattle-breeding is the reserve of the FULA.

The war memorial, in the centre of Péréré.
carte Borgouchamp d'ignames


 Borgou is essentially a farming area.
To enlarge the map

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