 Bana du Bénin

Aide Humanitaire au Bénin
Bana du Bénin is a non-profitable association which aims to help and raise funds for the community in and around Péréré

Association régie par la loi 1901-Reconnue d'intérêt Général en mars 2006

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Welcome to our small charity web page

Discover the needs of this African country, the work we have accomplished so far and what is still be done.

Our aim is to help children, they are the future of this country, promoting physical and intellectual development.
 We fight back malnutrition, we help famillies by education and hygiene training. We spur local leaders. Our" witches", one day, they won't need us !

We need your moral and financial support. Feel free to contact us

Bana à 4ans

She is the symbol of the children of the orphanage as well as the children
from Perere and from Benin. Her mum died when she was born, and because other women do not feed a child who isn't their own (they think it might bring bad luck) the orphanage is the only home left to take them in.

When they reach the age of 2, they can go back to their family, there, they will be brought up by a grand-mother, an aunt, or a older sister...
Bana à 2 ans
October 2003, Bana will turn 2 years old soon. She befriends Jacqueline, the "batouré" (the white) who has come to train a laboratory assistant in medical test.
She leaves the group of the other orphans to give her a cuddle..."

Continued in the book "mon coeur resté à Péréré"( "I left my heart in Péréré")
(in french only)

Bana is a little orphan who was brought up in the Péréré orphanage, Benin, until she was 2 years old. Today, she has gone back to her village where she is being raised by her grand-mother.

We borrowed her name as a symbol of all children who need our help and support to grow up healthily in this country, which is among the poorest in the world and where traditions rule life (or death) every day.